(0:47) I have frequently addressed how to increase the number of boater reviews you receive. It is critical to your success that you not only have positive reviews. You need lots of positive reviews. A large number of boater reviews will provide credibility to your ratings, will offer a way that your happy customers can be your best sales people, and will help to minimize the impact of an occasional negative review.
(0:35) Never hesitate to ask boaters to leave you a review. If you have followed the advice from previous Minutes on how to prepare your marina to ensure positive reviews, you can do this with confidence.
(0:27) Now it is even easier for boaters to leave you reviews. The new ActiveCaptain website allows boaters to access the Live Map from any platform that can connect to the internet - Mac's, PC's, Smartphones, Tablets. The boater chooses.
(0:19) By eliminating the requirement for Flash, we have eliminated the restriction that only permitted Live Map access on Mac's and PC's. Of course, boaters can still write reviews using the many apps that support the ActiveCaptain data. The choices are almost endless.
(0:11) There has never been a better time to boost boater reviews for your marina. Take time now to polish your offerings, train your staff, and ask boaters to write a review. The boating community wants a good marina to be successful. Remind them that the best way they can ensure your success is to write an honest review.
(0:02) And that's the marina minute.