(0:51) There are times when you are simply unable to meet a boater's expectations no matter how hard you try. Too often I see marinas shy away from saying "No" in these situations. Often, they are reluctant to turn away the business.
(0:43) But telling a boater "Yes" when you should tell them "No" can cause you far more economic loss.
(0:39) When you tell me "Yes" you have created the expectation that my wishes will be met. While a boater might be disappointed if he is told "No," having an experience that is less than expected will make him unhappy. And that is worse.
(0:32) Negative reviews happen when a boater's experience is less than the boater's expectations. I honestly can't say this enough.
(0:28) So if my boat's draft won't let me comfortably make it to your fuel dock or my boat yard project can't be finished when I need it or some other request cannot be met by you, tell me "No."
(0:21) By realistically setting my expectations from the start I can choose to move on. Or I can choose to come in at high tide or modify my project or return at another time when you can satisfy my needs. In each of these situations you have avoided an unhappy customer and possibly a negative review.
(0:13) Be realistic about what you can do to satisfy a boater's need. And if you can't, then be forthright and explain your limitations. Invite them to come back when they can use the services you do provide or when you are better able to serve them.
(0:06) In the long run you will generate goodwill, avoid unhappy boaters, and actually receive more business.
(0:02) And that's the marina minute.