(0:43) However, what has really struck me is the unbelievable joy and happiness we find from everyone at the marina. Every person who works here is helpful and upbeat which makes all of the boaters feel good as well. The tone was set from the moment we came into the harbor and were greeted at the docks by four smiling dockhands.
(0:34) There is no one who epitomizes this more than Meko. Most every morning as we sit on the cockpit having breakfast Meko, comes down the dock greeting everyone he passes while recording the electric meter readings. He stops and pets our dogs, asks how we are, and has something cheerful to say. I look forward to his smile each morning.
(0:24) You don't have to have a multi-million dollar resort or be awash in high-end amenities to make boaters feel happy. We've seen too many reviews of luxurious marinas where disinterested employees made the rating far less than the 5 stars they expect. Friendly service matters all the time.
(0:15) Can a friendly staff make up for a derelict marina or unsafe docks? Probably not. But having that personal touch will certainly improve boaters' satisfaction with their stay and lead to more positive reviews.
(0:09) You may not have the money or space to build a pool or fancy restaurant, but you can make sure your staff makes every boater feel welcome and special. And the best part? That simple act doesn't cost a thing.
(0:02) And that's the marina minute.