Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Be Thankful

(0:45) It's Thanksgiving week here in the US. It's a time to stop and reflect on the many good things in our lives. I know I'm thankful for my husband, my dogs, my family and friends. I'm thankful I can live on my boat full time and be a part of this wonderful cruising community.

(0:39) I'm thankful for the many, many scores of boaters who support what we do with ActiveCaptain. They share their knowledge and experience to make the entire community better.

(0:34) I'm thankful for the marinas that support us directly, through their own contributions to the ActiveCaptain data, and by acknowledging and acting on the feedback boaters provide them.

(0:29) There's a new feedback loop of boaters sharing their experience with other boaters and the marinas. Marinas are listening, responding, and then working to be better. It creates one of those rare instances when everyone wins. Boaters have better choices, marinas have more business, and the boating community grows.

(0:21) What are you thankful for?

(0:19) Don't forget to thank the boaters that support you through their visits and reviews. Thank them verbally. Thank them through your kindnesses. Always thank them for their feedback.

(0:14) Whenever a boater writes a review use the private messaging feature to send a personal thank you:

(0:10) I thank you for reading my Minutes, for supporting our work, and for welcoming us as boaters into your marinas.

(0:07) It's easy to become caught up in the day to day worries, problems, and aggravation. Today take a moment to stop and focus on what you are thankful for.

(0:02) And that's the marina minute.