(1:10) Most marinas depend to some extent on transient business. For some it's their bread and butter, for others it's a way to utilize available slips to increase revenue. While nice docks, clean restrooms, and friendly staff will certainly help you attract these boaters, it's often something far more basic that will draw in a transient boater.
(1:02) Discover what you have to offer that will attract transient boaters and you can bring in more business to your marina. The best way to do that is to think like a transient.
(0:57) To the typical transient their boat is more than a pleasure craft, it's their home. They need the same services you do except they lack land transportation and are usually unfamiliar with the area. Make sure that transients know what is available to them should they come to your marina.
(0:50) Go beyond offering showers and laundry. Consider some of the amenities that will have an appeal to transients. Here is a list of things that can put a marina at the top of my list.
(0:45) 1. Transportation - It is unusual for services to be within walking, or even bicycling, distance. If you are fortunate to have public transportation available make sure to highlight this. Otherwise, consider a courtesy vehicle. This is quite possibly the single biggest feature that will appeal to transients.
(0:38) 2. Shopping - A stop with an easily reached, good quality grocery store is frequently needed. Farmer's Markets are becoming increasingly popular - make sure you're aware of any in the area. But there are many other items a boater will need from time to time, hardware, clothing, household goods, even gift items. What shopping options are available?
(0:29) 3. Services - Haircuts, pharmacies, medical services, exercise classes, yoga studios, churches, massages are just a few of the services that might appeal to a transient boater. If you can offer ready access to them you can draw in those boaters.
(0:23) 4. Mail - Although much can be accomplished online, transient boaters still need to periodically have mail delivered. Even more importantly they need a way to receive packages, mainly for those items they have trouble getting on land. Making this easy will make your marina more attractive to a transient boater.
(0:16) 5. Internet Access - While WiFi access has pretty much become expected by all boaters it is particularly important to a transient boater.
(0:11) 6. Entertainment - Good restaurants, movie theaters, concerts, sporting events, and any other form of entertainment that can readily be accessed from the marina is always a draw for transients.
(0:07) Make sure you are aware of all the amenities at or easily accessible from your marina that might appeal to a transient boater. Include details on your website and in ActiveCaptain giving transients more reason to choose your marina.
(0:02) And that's the marina minute.