Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The "Wow" Factor

(1:02) It's often the little things that can have the biggest impact - small touches that are out-of-the-ordinary, special, or memorable. They don't have to cost much but can still create a buzz, make your customers go "Wow!", and generate that invaluable commodity: word-of-mouth marketing.

(0:52) We've seen many examples of this in our cruising travels. The bottle of wine boaters receive at Utsch's Marina. The hot tub at the Marina at Ortega Landing. The incredible friendliness at Portside Marina. Morehead City Yacht Basin's rental car discounts. The ActiveCaptain hat...

(0:41) We've heard about marinas that deliver a morning paper or muffins to the cockpit. Dowry Creek Marina, the highest rated marina on ActiveCaptain, organizes potlucks and other cruiser events. And of course there's the 32 ounce prime rib at Coinjock Marina.

(0:32) What are you doing to make your customers go, "Wow!"?

(0:29) Consider what's available to you that can offer that little something extra a boater will remember. Make your clubhouse or meeting area available for boaters to meet for cocktails and potluck hors d'oeuvres. Keep small bottles of shampoo in the showers for those who forget. Involve nearby businesses. Offer coupons for discounts at restaurants. Convince a bakery to provide a basket of cookies at check-in.

(0:12) Not sure what you have to offer? You can start by ensuring that every boater is greeted at the dock by a helpful, friendly, and knowledgeable dockhand who ensures the boater is safely settled in, answers all the boaters questions, and even offers information about what's available in the area. Now that would make me go "Wow"!

(0:02) And that's the marina minute.