(1:06) Know who you work for.
Never forget that the boater pays our salary and makes your job possible. Ultimately, it is the boater who is the boss. Understanding and meeting boaters' needs is the only way to success.
(1:01) Never stop listening.
To understand what boaters want and need, be an excellent listener. Don't make the mistake of assuming you know, no matter how many years you have been in the industry. You may be surprised to discover what's really important. And don't forget, needs change over time and vary from boater to boater.
(0:54) Identify and anticipate what boaters need.
By listening you uncover what boaters want and that goes beyond a product or service. It's about what it does for them - how it makes their life simpler, more comfortable, or safer. It is only by matching the benefits of a service to the boaters needs, that you will have a truly satisfied customer.
(0:47) Make the boater feel important and appreciated.
Every boater, no matter how large or small their vessel, deserves to be treated as important individuals. Use my name, thank me for my business, help me in a way that is specific to my needs. But be sincere and honest. We can spot a fake a mile away.
(0:40) Finds ways to say "Yes".
Of course, it is not always possible to meet every request but resist the habit of simply saying "No". Instead, strive to find a way to meet a request whenever possible. Go beyond what is "standard". Every "Yes" means a happier customer.
(0:34) Be able to sincerely apologize.
None of us are perfect and we all make mistakes. When things go wrong, sincerely apologize. Handle the problem quickly and communicate to the boater what you are doing to resolve the issue. This holds true even if it was the boater's fault. A sincere apology can go a long way to calm tempers and help everyone come to a resolution.
(0:27) Provide the boater more than they expect.
Simply meet my expectations and I will be satisfied, exceed them and I will become a loyal customer and tell others. Think about how you can reach beyond the expected even in small ways. These are the acts that will get you remembered.
(0:21) Always keep your promise.
Never take the commitments you make lightly. Delivering on your promises should be your top priority. Of course, there are times when the unexpected happens or an issue beyond your control interferes. You can still show your commitment by communicating quickly, apologizing, and letting the boater know what you are doing to get things done.
(0:14) Seek boater feedback.
Always encourage and welcome any and all feedback from boaters. Know what you are doing well and even more importantly, where you can improve. Letting boaters know you want sincere compliments and complaints tells them you care about their business and want them to come back. Then listen to what they tell you and act to improve.
(0:06) Give every boater exceptional customer service and you will be rewarded with repeat and new customers.
(0:02) And that's the marina minute.