Tuesday, March 11, 2014

May We Help You?

(1:30) We've seen quite an increase in new ActiveCaptain Sponsors lately. I work with new Sponsors providing Getting Started information and helping them take full advantage of all that ActiveCaptain offers. This past week it occurred to me that it was a good time to remind everyone of the ActiveCaptain tools a marina can use to help bring in more business. So whether you are new to ActiveCaptain or one of our earliest supporters, take a minute to make sure you are doing all you can.

(1:19) The Marina Minute newsletter/blog provides a short weekly message covering some area that I feel can help marinas be more successful. If you are reading this from your inbox, you are either already signed up or someone has forwarded it to you. You can sign up for the weekly email by clicking "Join our Mailing List" on the right. You can always find past Minutes on my blog: www.themarinaminute.com

(1:09) The Marina's Guide to ActiveCaptain is a document covering ActiveCaptain's features with an emphasis on how they can be used by marinas to increase business. It includes directions for the most common functions a marina should be using. You can find a pdf version of the document here:

(1:02) The Fuel Update Email is sent out every Monday morning and is a reminder to update your fuel information. If you carry fuel and are not receiving this email, let me know and I will help you get on the list. It is important to respond to the email every week, even if your fuel price has not changed as all pricing has a date. Of course, you can always change your price by going to your marker or saving the Fuel Update Email to use any time. Sponsors can update pricing on their Sponsor page.

(0:51) The Wednesday ActiveCaptain newsletter goes to all users and is the best way to stay up-to-date with what is happening in the ActiveCaptain community. It's important for you to be familiar with what we are communicating to boaters. We're covering areas that are important to your customers which should make it important to you. You can sign up for the newsletter by logging into the ActiveCaptain website, selecting "My Account" in the upper right, and clicking the "Subscribe to newsletter" checkbox.

(0:39) Boater Messaging provides a private and secure way for you to communicate with ActiveCaptain users. Every boater who leaves you a review, good or bad, should receive a message from your marina. You can find instructions for sending a message at the link below:

(0:33) ActiveCaptain Sponsors have access to special promotional tools including a Promotional Message (Pro-Op), Cross Promotion text, and Time Sensitive Boater Specials (Co-Op). Make sure to utilize these features to tell boaters why they should bring you their business. It's important to remember that your messages are not static and can quickly and easily be changed to fit your season, special events, or to experiment to see what makes an impact. Please contact me if you have any questions about using your Sponsor features.

(0:22) ActiveCaptain Reviews are the most valuable feature of ActiveCaptain for boaters and marinas alike. It is the honest and uncensored reviews of fellow boaters that makes ActiveCaptain data the number one resource for boaters. It is the same reason it should be your number one source as well for finding out what you are doing right and where you can improve. Make sure you know what the community is saying about you, read your reviews. ActiveCaptain Sponsors can utilize their customized Review Cards to bring in even more boater reviews. Contact me if you need more information.

(0:06) Make sure you are familiar with the resources we offer. Let us help you bring in more business!

(0:02) And that's the marina minute.