(1:06) I'm certainly a fan of goals, setting them, implementing, and measuring for success. However, it seems that new year's resolutions are too often goals set but not kept. The problem is that while we set a goal, "I'll lose those 5 pounds" or "I'll increase slips rentals by 10%," we still live with the same attitudes we had the year before. And it is your outlook that has the real impact on success and not some arbitrary numbers you've chosen.
(0:55) In the mass of articles that come out this time of year looking ahead and making predictions for 2014, I found one from Entrepreneur that I felt offered sage advice on how to actually make this year better than last. It was written by Jen Groover who describes herself as a serial entrepreneur. I've included her "5 Steps to Becoming More Empowered" below.
(0:47) 1. Someday is Today.
Stop procrastinating and creating excuses for why you can't have what you want. Take control. Announce to yourself "someday is today" every day, to seize the day and eradicate an excuse mentality.
(0:41) 2. Have More Fear of Regret Than Failure.
Remind yourself that the feeling of regret is so much worse than trying something (even if it doesn't work out) and living with no regrets. Realize fear is an illusion that holds you back. By doing so, you will set yourself free to live to your fullest potential.
(0:34) 3. I Only Have Good Days.
Remember, the only thing in the world we have control over is our perspective. You can choose to adopt a consistently positive perspective and find the good in everything. Or you can be negative, and attract more negative things into your life. The mantra "I only have good days" reminds you to see the positive for a better outcome.
(0:26) 4. Opportunities Lie Within Every Obstacle.
It can be tough to dig deep and find the positive, especially when confronted by challenges. But if you choose the positive, you will find the opportunity and nuggets of wisdom in every obstacle that presents itself in your life.
(0:18) 5. Live With Passion and Purpose.
Stop asking "what should I be doing" and start understanding "who you want to be." What do you want your legacy to be? As you reflect, you will begin to understand your purpose. That will make it easier to live with more passion and stay further away from needless and draining distractions or drama. Identifying your purpose and living with passion is the most authentic way to be empowered all day, every day.
(0:07) I look forward to exploring these and other ideas in the coming year. Empower yourself in 2014 and it can be your best year yet.
(0:02) And that's the marina minute.