(0:43) On the chance that you are still not receiving our weekly newsletter or if you need to hear something more than once for it to have an impact, listen up. Make sure that your marker has complete, up-to-date information about the fitness options at or near your marina.
(0:37) For some of you this will mean including information about facilities you have on site. We have stayed at marinas with very nice workout rooms, pools where you can do laps, and grounds that have terrific paths for walking or jogging. Let boaters know about these important amenities.
(0:30) But it doesn't stop there. Make sure you are aware of what is available in the surrounding areas. YMCA's, gyms, workout centers such as Curves, public pools, classes, parks, etc. can all offer boaters a way to get a workout while at your marina. Consider places a boater can walk or bike to, as well as places that are accessible by public transportation or a courtesy car. You may need to do some snooping to turn up all the possibilities but it can be worth it if it helps bring in the boaters.
(0:19) And don't forget resources that may be available within your liveaboard or transient communities. We heard from many fellow cruisers who are trained yoga, Zumba, Tai Chi, Martial Arts, and other types of fitness instructors. Do you have a place where classes could be offered? We've been at a marina where a yoga class was offered in a lovely field by the water.
(0:10) I think boaters are speaking loud and clear that staying fit while underway is increasingly important. Make sure you are listening to their request and giving them what they're asking for. It can mean more business for your marina because it will often cause a boater to stay longer than a night or two.
(0:02) And that's the marina minute.