(0:51) What if you had a way to offer an invaluable service to boaters, possibly save lives, all while bringing more boaters to your facility? I know a way you can. Offer CPR courses for boaters at your marina.
(0:46) CPR is a life saving skill that should be learned by everyone. It becomes even more important when you spend some or all of your time living on a boat where medical help is just that much more difficult. The skill is simple and chances are you will be saving someone you love.
(0:39) Over the past few years we have developed a 2 hour Medical Emergencies Onboard course. Response from boaters has been tremendous with over 2,000 boaters having attended. It tells us there is a real need to fill. Whenever we are invited to do our presentation I strongly urge the organization hosting to consider including a CPR course as well.
(0:30) I now want to urge every marina to periodically offer CPR at your facility. It is important enough to draw in boaters who want to have this valuable life-saving skill. In addition, the CPR certificate expires every 2-3 years so offering the course will give boaters a reason to come back to your marina again. Having been a CPR instructor, I think it is valuable to refresh one's skills even more often.
(0:20) Finding certified CPR instructors is pretty simple. Contact the Red Cross, the American Heart Association, or your local fire department/ambulance squad. Fees should be very reasonable and sometimes all they ask is a donation to their organization.
(0:14) You can pass the fee along to boaters or offer the course for free if they dock for a day or two at your facility. Either way you are giving them a reason to come to your marina and creating terrific goodwill.
(0:08) Don't forget to train your staff. Everyone at your marina should be skilled in CPR so that they can provide assistance if needed whether for a fellow employee or a boater. Saving someone's life will be one of the best feelings you will ever have.
(0:02) And that's the marina minute.